Saint James AME Women's Ministry Retreat
Saint James AME Women's Ministry Retreat
Vernon Township, NJ
Grace and Peace! Welcome to our on-line registration. This year’s Women’s Ministry Retreat will be hosted at the Minerals Hotel in Vernon, NJ. Come join us as we find rest, relaxation and peace in God’s presence! This will be a time of self-care and reflection. The Saint James Women’s Ministry wou…
Fri, Apr 13 2018
4:00 PM
Sat, Apr 14 2018
1:00 PM
Women's Weekend: Prayer, Worship and The Word!
Women's Weekend: Prayer, Worship and The Word!
Newark, NJ
Greetings Sister in Christ, Please join the Saint James Women's Ministry for this year's Women's Weekend Gathering. Come and be filled by the physical and spiritual bread as we gather for Prayer, Worship and the Word! We look forward to seeing you there! -Saint James Women's Ministry
Saturday, May 20 2017
10:00 AM
2:00 PM
Women's Ministry HerStory Prayer Breakfast 2018
Women's Ministry HerStory Prayer Breakfast 2018
Newark, NJ
Grace & Peace! Please join us for this year's Saint James Women's Ministry HerStory Prayer Breakfast! We will have Breakfast, Prayer and the Word. We look forward to fellowshipping with each of you as we join hearts and hands as sisters in Christ!
Saturday, March 17 2018
9:00 AM
11:30 AM